Principal’s Messages
Being Principal of this esteemed institution, my resolution is to raise the standard of education to a higher level.
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Welcome To Our Website › NCTE
St. Teresa's T.T.I is a premier teacher training institute in Kerala. It is located at Mathumoola in Changanacherry. This government aided, " Girls only " school is only 17 Kms away from its district headquarters, Kottayam. This is the one and only teacher training school under the Corporate Management of Schools, ArchDiocese of Changanacherry.
Vision & Mission
Our Institution strives at the formation of persons intellectually competent, who think critically, act effectively in various situations of life and more emotionally well balanced, radiating happiness and contentment all around. Therefore we seek a whole hearted co-operation of parents and consider them as as partners in our mission of charity in creating a just and humane society.
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